Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Major Air Pollutants & their Impacts

• Suspended Particulate Matter
This is a mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. Suspended particulates are seen as dust, smoke, and haze which can make breathing difficult, especially for people with chronic respiratory problems.• Volatile OrganicCompounds (VOCs)VOCs include gasoline, paint solvents, and organic cleaning solutions. They evaporate and enter the air as vapour, and as molecules resulting from the incomplete burning of fuels and wastes.

• Carbon Monoxide (CO)
One source of carbon monoxide is vehicle emissions. This is an invisible, odourless gas that is highly toxic to air-breathing animals because it interferes with the blood's ability to transport oxygen. Even low levels can start or increase damage to the heart in individuals with artery or heart problems. At medium concentrations, carbon monoxide causes headaches and fatigue. As the concentration increases, reflexes slow down and drowsiness occurs. At high levels carbon monoxide causes death. People at greatest risk from carbon monoxide include pregnant women, infants, and those with heart or respiratory diseases.

• Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)
Nitrogen Oxides are lung irritants that can lead to acute respiratory diseases in children. They may also cause over-sensitivity to pollen and dust in people suffering from asthma.

•Sulphur Oxides (SOX)
Sulphur Dioxide is converted to sulphuric acid in the atmosphere. It can be poisonous to both plants and animals. Like particulates, sulphur dioxide irritates the respiratory tract, causing airways to close, and interfering with the lungs. Children and the elderly are especially sensitive to sulphur dioxide, as are people suffering from asthma and emphysema.• Lead & other heavy metalsLead is dangerous, even at low concentrations and can lead to reduced intelligence in children, brain damage and death. It accumulates in the body and damages body tissue.

• Ground Level Ozone
Ozone in the upper atmosphere shields us from ultraviolet radiation. However on ground level, it is highly toxic to both plants and animals as it can damage lungs. It can bring on coughing, asthma attacks and lower the immune system.

• Fuel wood
Indoor air pollution is caused by the burning of fuel-wood and dung for cooking, and can cause suffocation.

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